Online MMPI Testing

At Texas Defense Force Security (TXDF), we're committed to making it easier for security professionals in Texas to meet their licensing requirements. That's why we're proud to announce our partnership with renowned psychologist, Dr. George Mount, to offer an online MMPI  option to meet this testing requirement.

For years, security officers in Texas have had to navigate a complex and often frustrating process to complete their MMPI testing. But those days are behind us! With TXDF's MMPI exam, powered by our partnership with Dr. Mount, you can now take this essential step from the comfort of your own home - or anywhere with an internet connection.

The Expertise of Dr. George Mount

Dr. George Mount is a respected expert in the field of psychological testing and assessment. His extensive experience and knowledge have made him a trusted partner for TXDF, and we're honored to be working together to bring this online MMPI exam to Texas security professionals.

Online MMPI: Convenience at Your Fingertips

Our online MMPI exam is designed to be easy to use and navigate. Simply visit our website and follow the instructions to complete the test. You'll have access to 24/7 technical support, so you can get help whenever you need it.

Affordable Pricing

We know that budget is an important consideration for many security professionals. That's why we're proud to offer our online MMPI exam at a competitive price of just $250. This is significantly less than the cost of traditional testing methods - and it's a small price to pay for the convenience and flexibility you'll enjoy.

Why Choose TXDF?

At TXDF, we're committed to providing top-notch training and resources for security professionals in Texas. Our online MMPI exam, powered by Dr. Mount, is just one more way that we're helping to make your life easier - so you can focus on what matters most: serving with integrity and professionalism.

Don't wait any longer to meet the MMPI testing requirement! Sign up for our online MMPI exam today and take the first step towards a smoother, more efficient path to licensure. Visit to get started now!