As an all-volunteer force, our commitment to safety and security is unwavering. We're proud to announce our latest achievement to enhance our active shooter training - the CRASE instructor certification. At Texas Defense Force Security, our motto is Texans protecting Texas.  That's where the CRASE course comes in. It's designed to equip civilians with the knowledge and skills to respond effectively in active shooter events or mass attacks.

In this article, we'll take a closer look at the CRASE instructor certification and the training product offered by TXDF. We'll explore the course, its real-world applications, and how TXDF delivers this training.  While you can attend a free CRASE course at our Arlington facility - if you're a school district just contact us, it's still free and we will come to you.

Understanding CRASE

The CRASE course is a comprehensive program designed to prepare civilians for active shooter events. It's a grim reality we face today, but with the right training, we can empower individuals and communities to respond effectively.

The Principles of CRASE

At the heart of the CRASE course are three principles: Avoid, Deny, Defend. These principles form a strategy for dealing with active shooter events.

  • Avoid: The first step is to have an escape plan and to move away from the immediate threat as quickly as possible.
  • Deny: If escape isn't possible, it's crucial to create barriers to prevent or slow down the shooter. This could involve locking doors, turning off lights, or blocking entry points.
  • Defend: As a last resort, individuals are trained to defend themselves. This involves using improvised weapons and committing to aggressive actions to disarm the shooter.

Prevalence of Active Shooter Events

Active shooter events have unfortunately become more common in recent years. These incidents can occur in any location and at any time, making it essential for civilians to be prepared. The CRASE course provides the necessary training to respond effectively in these situations.

How CRASE Prepares Civilians

The CRASE course is designed to equip civilians with the knowledge and skills to respond to active shooter events. The training focuses on strategies to avoid the shooter, deny access, and defend oneself if necessary. It also includes information on what to expect when law enforcement arrives.

The CRASE Course

The CRASE course is a comprehensive program designed to equip civilians with the knowledge and skills to respond effectively to active shooter events. Let's take a closer look at what this course entails.

Course Structure

The CRASE course is structured to provide a thorough understanding of how to respond to active shooter events. It begins with an overview of the Avoid, Deny, Defend strategy, followed by detailed instruction on each component. Participants are taught how to recognize potential threats, create an effective escape plan, secure their immediate environment, and take defensive actions if necessary.

Course Content

The course content is designed to be comprehensive and practical. It covers a range of topics, including:

  • Understanding the mindset of an active shooter
  • Recognizing potential threats
  • Implementing the Avoid, Deny, Defend strategy
  • Creating an effective escape plan
  • Securing your immediate environment
  • Taking defensive actions if necessary
  • Understanding law enforcement response

Benefits of the Course

The CRASE course offers numerous benefits. It equips civilians with the knowledge and skills to respond effectively to active shooter events, potentially saving lives. The course also promotes a sense of empowerment and confidence, knowing that one is prepared to handle such a situation.

Real-world Applications of CRASE

The CRASE course is not just theoretical; it has practical applications that can be implemented in various settings. Let's explore some of these real-world applications.

CRASE in Different Settings

The principles taught in the CRASE course can be applied in various settings, from schools and workplaces to public spaces. The course teaches participants how to assess their environment, identify potential threats, and take appropriate actions to ensure their safety and the safety of those around them.

Site-Specific Surveys

One of the key components of the CRASE course is the site-specific survey. This involves assessing a specific location to identify potential risks and vulnerabilities. The survey helps participants understand their environment better and develop an effective response plan.

Building Security

The CRASE course also covers aspects of building security. Participants are taught how to secure their immediate environment in the event of an active shooter situation. This includes creating barriers, locking doors, turning off lights, and other measures to deny access to the shooter.

Civilian Response Options

The CRASE course empowers civilians by providing them with response options. The Avoid, Deny, Defend strategy gives civilians a plan of action, increasing their chances of survival in an active shooter situation.

Medical Issues

The CRASE course also addresses medical issues related to active shooter events. Participants are taught basic first aid techniques and how to assist injured individuals until medical help arrives.

Police Response Protocols

Understanding police response protocols is another crucial aspect of the CRASE course. Participants are taught what to expect when law enforcement arrives and how to cooperate effectively with them.

TXDF's Unique Value in Delivering CRASE Training

At TXDF, we bring a unique value to the delivery of the CRASE course. Our all-volunteer force is committed to providing top-notch training to civilians, equipping them with the skills they need to respond effectively to active shooter events.

Experienced Instructors

Our team of instructors is made up of individuals who have received their CRASE instructor certification. They bring a wealth of experience and knowledge to the training, ensuring that participants receive the highest quality instruction.

Community-Centric Approach

At TXDF, we believe in a community-centric approach. We understand that every community is unique, and we tailor our training to meet the specific needs of each community we serve. This approach ensures that our training is relevant and effective.

Commitment to Safety

Our commitment to safety is unwavering. We believe that everyone has the right to feel safe and secure in their community, and we're dedicated to providing the training that makes this possible.

Continuous Improvement

We're always looking for ways to improve our training. We regularly review our course content and delivery methods to ensure that we're providing the most up-to-date and effective training possible.

Texans Protecting Texas

As Texans, we're committed to protecting our great state. We believe in the power of Texans protecting Texas, and we're proud to play our part in this through our delivery of the CRASE course.

The Impact of CRASE Training

The CRASE course has had a significant impact on communities, empowering individuals with the knowledge and skills to respond effectively to active shooter events. Let's take a closer look at the impact of this training.

Empowering Individuals

One of the key impacts of the CRASE course is the empowerment of individuals. The training provides civilians with a clear strategy for dealing with active shooter events, giving them the confidence to respond effectively in such situations.

Enhancing Community Safety

The CRASE course also enhances community safety. By equipping civilians with the skills to respond to active shooter events, the training contributes to the overall safety and security of communities.

Saving Lives

Perhaps the most significant impact of the CRASE course is its potential to save lives. By teaching civilians how to avoid, deny, and defend, the training increases their chances of survival in an active shooter situation.

Promoting a Culture of Preparedness

The CRASE course promotes a culture of preparedness. It encourages individuals and communities to be proactive in their approach to safety and security, fostering a mindset of preparedness that extends beyond the training itself.

Getting Involved with TXDF's CRASE Training

Interested in getting involved with TXDF's CRASE training? There are several ways you can participate and contribute to our mission of Texans protecting Texas.

Attend a CRASE Course

One of the best ways to get involved is to attend a CRASE course. This will equip you with the knowledge and skills to respond effectively to active shooter events, enhancing your personal safety and the safety of your community.

Volunteer with TXDF

As an all-volunteer force, TXDF is always looking for individuals who are passionate about community safety. Volunteering with us is a great way to contribute to our mission and make a difference in your community.

Spread the Word

Help us spread the word about the CRASE course. Share your experiences with friends, family, and colleagues, and encourage them to attend a course. The more people who are equipped with these vital skills, the safer our communities will be.

Conclusion: TXDF's Commitment to Community Safety

In conclusion, the CRASE course is a vital part of TXDF's commitment to community safety. Our all-volunteer force is dedicated to delivering this training, equipping civilians with the knowledge and skills to respond effectively to active shooter events.

The Importance of CRASE Training

The importance of CRASE training cannot be overstated. In a world where active shooter events have unfortunately become more common, this training provides civilians with a clear strategy for dealing with such situations. It empowers individuals, enhances community safety, and ultimately, saves lives.

TXDF's Unique Role

TXDF plays a unique role in delivering this training. Our experienced instructors, community-centric approach, and unwavering commitment to safety set us apart. We're proud to be Texans protecting Texas, and we're dedicated to providing the highest quality training to our communities.

Join Us

We invite you to join us in our mission. Whether it's by attending a CRASE course, volunteering with TXDF, spreading the word about our work, or becoming a CRASE instructor, there are many ways you can get involved and make a difference in your community.

Thank you for taking the time to learn about the CRASE course and the unique value that TXDF brings to this training. We look forward to welcoming you to our next course and working together to enhance the safety and security of our great state.

Frequently Asked Questions:

TXDF, or Texas Defense Force Security, is an all-volunteer force committed to Texans protecting Texas. Their mission is to enhance community safety through comprehensive security solutions.

The new CRASE instructor certification from TXDF involves training participants on how to respond effectively to active shooter events or mass attacks, following the principles of Avoid, Deny, Defend.

CRASE (Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events) prepares civilians by imparting practical skills and knowledge on how to avoid the shooter, deny access, and defend oneself in such situations.

The CRASE course involves a comprehensive description of the Avoid, Deny, Defend strategy, coupled with detailed instruction on each component. Participants are trained to recognize threats, create an effective escape plan, secure their environment, and take defensive actions.

The CRASE course can be applied in various settings, including schools, workplaces, and public spaces. It also includes conducting site-specific surveys for potential risks, emphasizing building security, explaining civilian response options, and detailing medical assistance.

TXDF's all-volunteer force provides an inherent community-centric approach to CRASE training. Their commitment to safety, continuous process improvement, and motto "Texans protecting Texas" further enhance the training's effectiveness and relatability.

The CRASE training can have a significant impact on individuals, communities, and organizations. It fosters empowerment, enhances community safety, and most importantly, can potentially save lives.

One can participate by attending a CRASE course, volunteering with TXDF, spreading the word about the course, or even receiving the CRASE instructor certification to facilitate training. 

Detailed information on how to register for TXDF's CRASE training, the training schedule, and participant expectations can be found on the TXDF website.

TXDF's unwavering commitment to community safety is paramount as it plays a pivotal role in delivering vital CRASE training, which empowers individuals and enhances community resilience against active shooter events or mass attacks.