Ensuring the safety and security of schools is of paramount importance. In this article, we will explore cost-effective strategies that can be implemented to enhance school safety. These tactics address various aspects, including drills, staff training, student reporting, collaboration with law enforcement, creating safe areas within classrooms, and concealing classroom occupancy. By implementing these school safety tactics, schools can establish a robust safety framework without burdening their budgets.

Conduct Developmentally Appropriate Safety Drills

One crucial aspect of school safety is conducting developmentally appropriate safety drills. These drills enable schools to assess their emergency plans, train school communities and first responders, and identify areas for improvement. Schools should consider the frequency, trauma-informed approaches, and realistic scenarios to implement effective drills. By testing their emergency plans, schools can ensure readiness and enhance their response capabilities during crises.

Train Staff to Secure Access Points during Hours of Operation

Securing access points is a crucial step in mitigating threats to school safety. By training staff to lock designated doors and access points during hours of operation, schools can create a barrier against potential intruders. Regular inspections and clarifying staff responsibilities reinforce the importance of strict adherence to the policy. Preventing threats from entering classrooms during active shooter events helps protect students and staff and is one of the more important school safety tactics.

Encourage Student Reporting of Threats to Administration or Staff

Establishing a culture of open communication is vital in creating a safe school environment. By encouraging students to consistently report suspicious behavior or potential threats, schools can enhance their ability to identify and address potential dangers. Educating students about who to report to and what behaviors to report empowers them to play an active role in maintaining a secure space. Investigating and following up on student-reported tips adds an extra layer of proactive measures.

Schedule Collaborative Meetings with Local Law Enforcement

Collaboration between schools and law enforcement plays a vital role in school safety initiatives. By scheduling meetings to exchange crucial information, such as emergency operations plans and school maps, schools can ensure that law enforcement has up-to-date and accurate details. Regular follow-up meetings help in fostering an ongoing partnership, keeping everyone well-informed. Sharing information ahead of time can lead to expedited and effective law enforcement responses during critical incidents.

Establish Safe Areas within Classrooms

Creating designated safe areas within classrooms adds an additional layer of protection for students and staff during emergencies. By identifying corners that are out of the line of sight from the door, schools can minimize the risk of being targeted by threats. Regular inspections and reminders to occupy the safe corners reinforce preparedness. This tactical approach helps reduce potential harm and increases the chances of safe evacuation or sheltering in place.

Install Window Coverings to Conceal Classroom Occupancy

Blocking the line of sight into classrooms is an effective school safety tactic. By providing teachers with blinds or materials to cover door windows, schools can prevent potential threats from assessing the number of people in a room or identifying their location within the room. Consistently reminding teachers to cover door windows during incidents and conducting regular inspections ensure compliance. By concealing occupancy, schools can possibly deter or impede the progress of an active shooter.


Safety in educational institutions should never be compromised, regardless of budget constraints. By implementing these cost-effective school safety tactics, schools can enhance their preparedness, response, and protection measures without significant financial burdens. Conducting developmentally appropriate safety drills, training staff, encouraging student reporting, collaborating with law enforcement, establishing safe classroom areas, and concealing classroom occupancy are practical steps toward creating a safer school environment. Implementing these strategies demonstrates a firm commitment to the well-being and security of students, staff, and the entire school community.

Remember, vigilance and proactive measures are essential for ensuring a safe and secure learning environment. By prioritizing school safety, we can empower students and create an atmosphere conducive to their growth and well-being.

These and many more school safety tactics can be found at SchoolSafety.gov

Frequently Asked Questions:

Implement drills, secure access points, encourage student reporting, collaborate with law enforcement, and create safe areas within classrooms.

Developmentally appropriate safety drills ensure preparedness, train school communities, identify areas for improvement, and enhance response capabilities during emergencies.

Schools can secure access points by training staff to lock doors, conducting regular inspections, and clarifying staff responsibilities. This helps in preventing potential threats.

Students can contribute to school safety by reporting suspicious behavior, potential threats, or any concerns to the administration or staff. This empowers them to play an active role.

Collaborating with law enforcement helps in sharing information, such as emergency plans and protocols, ensuring up-to-date details, and expediting law enforcement response during critical incidents.

Schools can create safe areas by identifying corners out of line of sight, clearing and preparing these areas, and reminding students and staff to occupy them during emergencies.

Concealing classroom occupancy by using window coverings or blinds helps block the line of sight for potential threats, making it difficult for them to ascertain the total number of people in the room.

Schools can implement cost-effective safety measures by prioritizing drills and training, leveraging student reporting systems, establishing partnerships, and utilizing available resources efficiently.

Schools can enhance emergency preparedness by regularly reviewing and updating emergency plans, conducting drills, providing staff training, and fostering a culture of open communication.

Prioritizing school safety through the implementation of cost-effective tactics ensures the well-being of students and staff, creating a secure and conducive environment for learning and growth.